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Kom/pb. 26 Apr 2013 Is there a difference between a Personal Best (PB) and a Personal Record (PR)? Personally I believe that there is. Way back in the Dark Ages  3 Apr 2015 Part 2 is specifically about trying to meet a Personal Record (PR). Race Pace Runs: If you are training to beat a PR you need to have an idea  What does personal-record mean?

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Maybe it’s the 2 minute double-under test for max reps, or Clean and Jerk for a max weight, or Fran which is a given task for best time. Personal Records, otherwise known as PRs, show your highest power output for a specific period of time. From your best one-second power to your best two-hour power, it's easy to see your bests using our PR system no matter what sort of event you're training for. PRs can be earned from both indoor and outside rides. Achieving Personal Records PR: Personal Recognizance (bond/bail) PR: Priority Regulation (US DoD) PR: Personnel Recovery: PR: Performance Run (fitness) PR: pump room (tankers) PR: Pseudorabies: PR: Received Power: PR: Process Reliability: PR: Procurement Request: PR: Portfolio Rebalancing: PR: Pilot Run: PR: Policy Record: PR: Photo Resist: PR: Photochemical Reaction: PR: Position Reference: PR: Project Revolution (gaming, Warcraft IIITotal Conversion) PR free personal records, free government records of people, free public records on people, free public records search engines, government people search free, free government people search engines, people search free public records, free personal records search Jazeera that none of deep dissatisfaction is willing to minimize injuries claims must establish liability involve injuries, the above my right arm is getting “way,way, way too strong!” stay tuned for late this week.

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PR - Personal record pr - traduction français-anglais. Forums pour discuter de pr, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions.

Pr personal record

Upplands fornminnesfo renings tidskrift. - Getty Research

Pr personal record

$42.99. PR Basic Logo Cut-off Tank-PR302- Black Stone. $24.99. PR Basic Logo Elongated Shirt-PR403- Riverstone Camo. PR Personal Record Tie Dye Logo Hoodie - Navy. $42.99. PR Personal Record Big Logo Hoodie - Black Camo.

Pr personal record

PP. Push press. PR. Personal record. PSN. Power snatch. PU. Pull-ups, possibly push ups depending on the context. Rep. 18 nov. 2015 — Rockville, Maryland (PRWEB) November 18, 2015 -- Swedish citizens will be introduced to an electronic personal health account that enables  1 sep.
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60 (or 90) day PRs. PR 30 days is too short a period. 30 Day records.

newell Vi har ett brett sortiment av Finding Relief with Cannabis: A Personal Record of Trials. PR - Personal Record. Har från och med igår sammanställt mina PR i högerkolumnen, mest för att ha lite bättre koll på dem själv men kanske också av intresse  "Personliga bäst" omdirigeringar här.
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PR. A Personal Record of Running from Anorexia. Amber Sayer Häftad ⋅ Engelska ⋅ 2013. Spara som favorit. 159. Du kan också höra några löpare kalla sina bästa tider "PB" eller "Personal Bests".