In File Menu, choose, "Save As", in the drop down menu in the dialog box that opens choose "Save as type: 'Comma delimited (*.csv)')", and underneath that select "Save value labels where defined instead of data values" (or hit "Alt-a") and choose "Save". The following illustrations provide a guide to saving Data and Output files in SPSS. After the data has been entered into the Data Editor, it can be saved by selecting File and Save or Save As. Data Editor with Scores Entered. Selecting File -> Save or SaveAs to save the contents of the Data Editor. Save SPSS Data as Excel File We'll first just create syntax for saving all data as a single Excel file from SPSS’ menu.

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Overview(SAVEcommand) SAVEproduces a data file in IBM® SPSS® Statisticsformat,which contains data plus a dictionary. The dictionary contains a namefor each variable in the data file plus any assigned variable andvalue labels, missing-value flags, and variable print and write formats. The dictionary also contains document text that was created with the DOCUMENTScommand. Selecting File -> Save or Save As to save the contents of the Data Editor After selecting Save or Save As, the Save dialog box will appear. The name of the datafile can be entered in the box labeled File name and the directory in which the file is saved can be changed by selecting the down arrow on the right side of the box labeled Save in. The SPSS command corresponding to File > Open > Data has a number of useful options for data management purposes .

A dictionary record consists of a numeric (32-bit integer) tag identifying the type of record, followed by a defined sequence of string or numeric values. Finally, save your syntax file into your project folder and you've all your project files nicely organized like we proposed in SPSS - Combining Data with Syntax and Output. End Result By following the steps described in this tutorial, your final syntax file will look somewhat like the syntax below.

Spss save file

Spss save file

Choose the directory where you want the file to be saved.

Spss save file

To save updates to the SPSS syntax file, use pull-down menu File->Save or to save the SPSS syntax file for the first time, use pull-down menu File->Save As and select an appropriate directory and file name for the SPSS syntax file. The Split File command is used to separate the output of SPSS tests according to a group variable. The best example would be to split the output according to sex. By doing this in SPSS, through the use of the Split File command, you will get two separate outputs for subsequent analyses, one for males and the other for females. 2019-09-08 foreign reads from SAS XPORT, SPSS, and Stata (up to version 12) files.
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Example 1: EXPORT a SAS Data Set to an SPSS SAV File.

Instructions on how to set SPSS as default program to open .sav (data) files in Windows 10. Download the selected data file.
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SPSS files have a .sav file extension.